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Faux Painting

Faux Painting Fort Lauderdale, FL

As a homeowner, you take a great deal of time and trouble and put a lot of thought into designing your home. If you are looking for something unique and appealing for the walls, the one way is to try something that’s out of the ordinary. While you will get most of the walls painted in standard paints and colors, you can create an amazing impact by opting for Faux Painting.

This is a very specialized form of painting in which different materials, textures and paints are used to create fake textures such as wood, parchment, silk, brick etc. A regular painting company will not be able to provide you these services and only companies that have expertise in this technique can tackle this job in an expert manner.

Picasso House Painting & Faux Finishes Inc provides top-notch Faux Painting and Venetian Plastering Services in the surrounding areas of Fort Lauderdale, Palm Beach, Boca Raton and Jupiter FL.

Only a company that invests in training for their Faux Painters will be able to handle this job to your satisfaction. The painters would also have to go through regular upgrade training to keep their skills sharp and their technique up to the mark.

Some Facts About Faux Finishes

This kind of work requires very detailed work and the painters must have high levels of patience. It’s very different from standard wall painting jobs, where the professionals use paint brushes and rollers to achieve the effect they need. In these finishes, 2 or more colors are used and 2 or more kinds of brushes are used. The job requires attention to detail.

As mentioned earlier, the patience factor comes into the picture because the painters have to wait for some time and then move onto the next step. It not something that can be done in a hurried manner.

Variety of Finishes

Skilled Faux Finish Painters are able to re-create the appearance of various materials such as:

  • It’s possible create heavenly cloud effects on the ceiling
  • A faux painting contractor can also make regular plywood take on the appearance and finish of wood such as walnut, maple, oak etc. These effects can be achieved on any wooden surfaces like cabinets and wooden doors etc.
  • It’s possible to create stunning effects such as silk, suede, shells, parchment and brick.

High Quality Faux Paints and Textures

These effects aren’t easy to achieve and only well-trained and experienced painters would be able to do a good job. That will ensure the best materials and workmanship is used in the work.

Faux Painting is a highly specialized service and when you are getting this effect done on any walls, it’s important to hire the services of a company that will be able to provide custom solutions at reasonable Faux Painting cost. Companies like Picasso House Painting & Faux Finishes Inc can provide you professional, customized and reliable services.

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Faux Finishes
House Painting
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